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    Every EZ Lite Cruiser ® Deluxe Model has the ability to adjust the height of the foot rest.
    Older models can be adapted using this kit.

    Scroll images to see the foot rest extended lower or retract higher.

  • Position 1
    Attached at Hole Highest Position (1)
  • Position 2
    Which Can be Lowered Down (2)
  • Position 3
    And Then Lowered Again (3)
  • Position 4
    And Then Finally to This Level (4)

    This is done by adjusting the length of the "L" bracket and tube.

    The scrollable photos above show the default varying lengths.



    Need to make it even shorter?

    The photos below show how they can be shortened by cutting them down.

    The cuts are done between the holes.

    A matching cut is done to the "L" bracket,

    The hole is re-drilled & threaded using a tap.

    Adjustable Height Foot Rest Parts

    Use the chart below to determine the most comfortable distance.
    Compare to the length of the users lower leg, from the inside knee bend.

    Holes Cut

    Outer Tube
    Seat to
    Plate to
    3 Cut (1 Remain) 1st Hole 13.75" 6.25"
    2 Cut (2 Remain) 1st Hole 15" 5.5"
    2 Cut (2 Remain) 2nd Hole 15.75" 5"
    1 Cut (3 Remain) 1st Hole 15.75" 5"
    1 Cut (3 Remain) 2nd Hole 16" 4.5"
    1 Cut (3 Remain) 3rd Hole 16.75" 4"
    No Cut (Default) 1st Hole 16.5" 4.5"
    No Cut (Default) 2nd Hole 17.25" 4"
    No Cut (Default) 3rd Hole 18" 3.5"
    No Cut (Default) 4th Hole 18.75" 3"

    Remember to add 4.5" to the "Seat to Plate" height in the table above, if you have the optional foot rest extender also installed.
    If you would like us to create a custom set for you, for your specific needs, we are happy to do so.  Simply let us know by notating it in your order at checkout.  

    Join the thousands of others who have regained their independence & Experience the things you've been missing.

    EZ Lite Cruiser ®

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